该产品具有良好的保温保冷特性,且阀门的通径与管径一致,同时又能有效降低管 路中介质热量损失。主要用于石油、化工、冶金、制药、食品等各类系统中,以输送常
The product bears favorable heat-preservation and cold-insulation specialties.In addition, the all-diameter of the valve is identical to pipe diameter to effectively reduce the heat loss from those medium in the pipeline. It is mainly applied to transport the full- bodied mediums which solidify under normal temperature in such fields as petroleum industry, chemical industry, metallurgical industry, pharmaceutical industry,food industry, etc.
For the monolithic construction is applied in design the product, the jacket valve with favorable sealing performance features smaller configuration and weight than traditional ball valves without leakage. More overpressure-resistant and firmer capacities are also
enjoyed by the jacket made through carbon steel welding than that through casting. |